My name is Neil Collins
Forgive the self-indulgence, but a little backstory is necessary...
My philosophy was developed through necessity, although quite by accident, whilst on deployment as a Royal Marines Commando. I was tasked with counter piracy operations in the Gulf of Aden (Somalia) as part of team 16, S Squadron, operating from HMS Lancaster; I deployed again to the gulf of Aden on board RFA Fort Victoria conducting enhanced counter piracy operations as a member of Fleet Contingent Troop. I spent my final year on board HMS Bulwark touring the Baltic states then working protection for the Olympic sailing events in 2012.
For counter piracy ops you have to be ready at a moment's notice to get fully kitted up - body armour, multiple firearms, ammunition, breaching kit, the works - then go do your job… Board a vessel either by climbing a ladder or fast roping from a helicopter, then taking control of the vessel / situation…
What this means is that as a matter of professionalism you need to be fit, strong and robust - so you need to train - but you can’t risk training yourself to exhaustion or risk soreness and / or injury… Physical training is very necessary, but it has to be effective, and it definitely should not be counterproductive… This is now a principle that guides all my coaching and programs - training should enhance your life, not detract from it.
Further, working in such a restrictive environment, this training often had to be completed in small spaces, with little equipment, and in narrow time frames… It has to practical and flexible.
After leaving the Marines in 2012, I became a personal trainer and CrossFit coach. I switched from Tactical training to CrossFit and found a personal affinity for gymnastics and strongman. I fell head over heels in love with the sport. I opened a CrossFit affiliate in 2014 and over the last decade or so I have worked with people from all walks of life - people of all ages, from different cultures, with various abilities and needs, in numerous different fields and pursuits… And it was here where I learned so, so many things…
I learned that certain types of conditioning will enhance strength and skill acquisition, and other types can significantly derail this process… I learned that lifestyle factors and stress can shut down output to various muscle groups, leading to poor performance and injury. I also learned how to quickly reverse this process using special reflex points / activations… I learned that "constantly varied" is rarely the best way to get better at things, and often "high intensity" isn't appropriate… But perhaps most importantly, I learned that most people aren’t too dissimilar to 23 year old me.
- Most people want to be in good shape
- Most people can’t afford to be exhausted, sore or injured from their endeavours
- Most people want a program that can work with / around their other commitments
- Most people want something that enhances their life, not detracts from it
This is why my programming and coaching shine… It’s close to two decades of practical knowledge and experience, ruthlessly edited and focused down to extremely efficient strength and conditioning programs…